Sunday, May 27

Exhalar es limpiar

Cada pensamiento malo hay que respirarlo 
y convertirlo al exhalar, 
es un mal pensamiento menos en el mundo :) 
Mis limites que se extienden mas allá del horizonte de la vida, 
e incluso mas allá del pensamiento. 
Todo se supera, pero no se olvida,
y simplemente cualquier cosa que me pase de ahora en adelante, 
ya no podrá dañarme.

Saturday, May 19

Cobrizo Andante

Cada hoja es una expresión única, 
un sueño distinto de este otoño especial 
  se llevo consigo todas mis hojas, y me quede suspirando.

Friday, May 11

Never is a promise

You can start to feel tired of me someday, as everyone eventually does, and it's okay. That hurt, I do not even think about it, don't expect myself to think it, no i'm not thinking. I enjoy being ignorance, and I prefer to embrace innocence because the truth always hurts. And some things terrifies me, like i cant explain like how. Everything inevitability that has a beginning also has end. The thought of you'll just end up tired, that terrifies me so badly that I doubt I'll ever go through with it, but perhaps I should, to think and being prepared for the inevitable, it all just happens... So by the time I'm mentally ready... Maybe hurt me just a little less.

You know i'm hopelessly infatuated with you...

Mood:  Same. Nothing new lol.
Reading: Heaven knows.
Watching: Misery memoirs, reading of choice
Drinking: Mate ( an infused drink made with yerba leaves habit of the ancient natives of South America )  However, Mate a word that curiously in colloquial English means friend.

Tuesday, May 8

Nada me haría más feliz

Era sólo un beso tímido. 
Un beso que se extinguía en esa boca para saciar la sed que lleva a la muerte.


Friday, May 4

Lo que no se dice, se actúa

Querer a alguien es hacerle bien
Nunca hacerle mal.