Saturday, March 31

cicatrices del alma

Algo raro esta pasando estos dias, 
voy percibiendo signos de viejos recuerdos y antiguas tristezas 
que salen a flote como si tuvieran vida propia 
con el cambio de estación. 

Recuerdo que el tiempo siempre avisa cuando va a llover 
y cada vez que se viene algún cambio importante, 
y esta oleada de melancolía y añoranza debe ser algo parecido. 

Es el alma, que se prepara para recibir al otoño, 
y avisa removiendo viejas heridas del alma.

Muchos son los recuerdos que se hacen presentes en estos dias 
y entonces dejan de ser recuerdos 
para convertirse en vivencias nostálgicas. 

Necesarias para algunos, 
odiadas por otros y desatendidas por unos pocos. 
Para mi que no soy la única que siente esto, 
son de las cicatrices del alma, 
y hay tantas cicatrices en mi, 
que simplemente creo que cualquier cosa que me pase, 
ya no podrá dañarme más.

... lo peor de mi vida ya lo pasé...
 y otras cosas también...

Friday, March 16

Every bit of my love

I am sorry.
I am so selfish.
I was so mad as hell not to be able to talk to you for so long 
so I wrote that message.
I am really sorry.
Why can not you still consider me a part of your life?
if I were someone from your world
you would not have kept those things hidden from me.
Your life has so much trouble and I do not even get to know them.
I do not say I can provide solutions to them.
they still.
I think I am one of those persons in your life 
as someone close to you who deserves to know what's troubling you.
You say care for me and do not tell issues that bother you.
I am your best friend
do not you get it yet?

I came running back from a party last night at 3am
and waited for 2 hrs.
That is why I was profoundly annoyed
I am here because I want to talk to you
and miss you a lot
I want to be a part of everything in your life
your happiness and sorrow.

We can not really know what is going on in each other's lives
unless we open up more to each other.
I want you to tell me everything.
I want you to share everything with me. Treat me as someone important in your life. It does not matter how long we are together.
I will be right here.

Saturday, March 10

Tocando el cielo cuesta bajar a la realidad

Detenerse y escuchar la vida, 




y en consecuencia sonreír.