Saturday, November 16

Empire Seasons

I've ALWAYS thought I was the luckiest woman on the face of the earth.  
I've been favored more than any individual has a right.

My best moment was unforgettable.  

Being in love was the greatest moment in my life.  
The world seemed so clear, 
beautiful and I knew life was a great journey. 
Knowing I was  in love after waiting and longing for someone 
was the best moment, for sure.

-Now - 
Things have really turned around for me in my life. 
Now everyday is one step closer towards what I want 
to accomplish instead of being stuck in the old rooms.
It's taken me a long time to get to this point in my life. 
it's ME against the world.

Saturday, November 9

La consecuencia de la arrogancia


En esta vida


¿Existe algo mΓ‘s profundo 

que encontrarse con el verdadero amor? 




La ausencia que sigue tras perderlo.