Saturday, November 28

Somedays Egos works best - just sayin'...

We are controlled by our egos which protect us from the unknown. We are afraid of situations where the outcome is unknown and we have no control over. We start to doubt ourselves and feel anxious and fearful. But if we stay in our comfort zone for too long it begins to shrink and then other problems follow such as self doubt and low self esteem. We are so scared to venture for the fear of failure. As a result we miss out on opportunities and eventually we start living a life filled with fear and isolation. However, we should be living courageously and creating the life that we want for ourselves. We need to find the courage to take control of our lives and stop limiting ourselves. In other words don't let yourself be controlled by your ego at the expense of your happiness, go and do something that you've always wanted to do and let nothing stop you from it.

Saturday, November 21

I'm still reeling from what happened earlier


Sure life has its ups and downs, but theres always a tomorrow to make things better. Not only that but, You have so much to enjoy for.
Oh. Lemme think!
Like a week ago I found myself looking up this very concept, discovering it's significance more deeply than most.
I've decided to let go of certain things, what was once exciting has become mundane negativity and toxic
waste my time. I've given up. Shhh... please, don't judge me, it was exciting for a while but now its boring to me. And I just don't want it. Too depressing... is too much toxicity, i Pass.
No matter how improbable the circumstance, there was always a strong undercurrent in the writing. Don't judge me for saying that because it has too.
I know! I love that too :-D It's real and genuine.
I know the chances of you ever seeing this are highly unlikely, but still, if you do come back, i'd love to talk to you about everything.
And eventually fade away from you.
If not, then uh... well, okay Goodbye.

Saturday, November 14

Sendero iluminado




Siempre confié en mi corazón

y en mi camino

me voy conmigo sin saber a dónde

pero se como quiero estar donde voy.




Sunday, November 8

Apología de una realidad un poco distinta


A veces, hasta quiero convencerme de que una vida sin sensaciones es la más práctica. Ni altos ni bajos; ni viaje al abismo ni huida al paraíso. Todo relativamente normal, gris y plano. Es que durante años me desgasté emocionalmente y me instalé en la comodidad de la rutina y del aburrimiento, convencida de que dejarme llevar por las ocurrencias era una cuestión de voluntad amplia, perdurable y significativa. Quise que la razón pudiese sobre las emociones. 

No me salió bien. 

Tampoco me sirvió diluir el malestar interno de intentar cambiar y terminé por dejarme ser yo misma, corto y eficaz hasta lo necia imprudente, totalmente desarmada hacia los demás y eso me destrozó. 

No me funcionó :(

Después de pensar tanto, es necesario dejar de pensar. 

Realmente así, es un error bloquear con la razón la capacidad de entender a través de la sensibilidad. No pensar. Solamente estar en silencio, sin forzar ideas y solo sentir. 

Muchas veces el quedarme sin respuestas me sirve. 

Por alguna extraña razón me conecto con el alma directamente y puedo ver de esta forma, contar lo que me pasa, y sin que se sepa puntualmente nada, igualmente siento que me comprenden. Algún día, espero poder dar las Gracias!




Saturday, November 7

En otoño no se detiene el tiempo

Se me volvió a escapar el otoño
con millones de hojas y millones de sueños.
me abandonó con mi sueño eterno
y millones de suspiros!

Sunday, November 1

I am Not in an Adulting Mood Today

It's a daily struggle for me. lol.

I don't want to adult

Adulting is the worst. 


❤️  I want my childhood happiness back ❤️

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