Sunday, February 28

Hoping for the best

Just hoping for nothing to happens
I know and understand things well enough
recognize that they never truly care towards others.

Saturday, February 27

With the Sun in Virgo and the Moon in Scorpio

 Dark Angel GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

As a typical Virgo, I belong to the Earth element, which is the medium that gives me life, although I have a very special relationship with the sea, which I imagine is thanks to my ascendant.

I enjoy solitude and am fascinated by my inner silences, so much so that I continually need to retreat into myself and isolate. Of all the characteristics of my personality, what I like the most is my ability to connect through feelings—everything in me is sensitivity—and that makes me very vulnerable; because I am excessively meticulous, analytical, somewhat naive, and unassuming.

What I like the least is my little to no ability to forgive. I forgive, but I don't forget, so I end up carrying old negative emotions in my heart that are "unnecessary" and make my burden heavier every day. I am definitely spiteful, but I am not at all proud of it. Additionally, my negative traits include being exasperatingly persistent, impatient, energetically shy, and not very demonstrative. I am critical of myself, as well as of others. I am insecure and somewhat cold when it comes to matters of love.

However, my mind often wanders, and I get deeply lost in my thoughts, to the point where it annoys me when someone interrupts and pulls me out of them. I have a very good or very bad ability to concentrate—how would I know?—since as a consequence, I am also very scattered. But the truth is, I need my silence, my space, to be alone with my thoughts. I could say that I am a sensitive and reflective person.

On the other hand, my appearance does not reflect my inner world at all. I go through life happily, but very few people know my melancholic side, the one I rarely show.

I am also a difficult friend to deal with because I go through periods of total isolation, where I give no signs of life. With my friends and the people I love, I have no boundaries of any kind. When I am with them, I give everything I have, without exceptions, sometimes even more than I can give. But then, no one should expect me to remember a birthday or call periodically to check in, ask how things are going, how I am, how they are, or to offer condolences to a relative, etc., etc., because in that sense and for those things, I am a disaster.

Even so, I still like to dress up and look nice. I imagine that I am somewhat vain and flirtatious, although lately, I have been quite apathetic and careless in this regard.

My addiction to music, mate, and the internet constantly accompanies my heartbeat. I can't live without these three things. Perhaps if I were forced to choose, I could try to live without mate, but definitely not without music and the internet! I believe these three things are vital for me, and without them, I would feel empty; my entire structure would fall apart, collapse, and break, and I might even die.

Writing has always been a constant in my life. I have never stopped writing, thanks to my moon in Scorpio, which guides, nurtures, and inspires me to experience very powerful emotions, making me passionate about emotional intensity. Very centered and deeply focused, I am determined to fully enjoy each moment—looking at the sky when night falls, breathing deeply without pain, taking many photos, dancing barefoot, laughing a lot, and playing. These are things I infinitely love and will always be grateful for.


What is this tapestry of emotions

You don't know this, you're unaware.
but each time i see a glimpse of you
my feelings shatters.



Well yeah I was sitting in my bedroom thinking about the stupidest thing I've ever done and well yeah







Friday, February 26

Tan lejos pero muy cerca, en mi corazón

 Estas tan cerca y a la vez tan lejano.

Para hablar, para creer, para entender, para besar, para olvidar.

Tan cerca y lejos, para abrazar y llorar.

La distancia insalvable es un obstáculo para cubrir por completo lo real.

La voluntad, la sed, las almas.

Pese a la lejanía, todo queda muy cerca.

Mi esencia sigue estando en otra dimensión, cada vez más cerca a tu mundo.

En estos momentos difíciles.

Tengo razones para seguir adelante, comprendí que en el alma no hay límites.

Las ansias, la pasión y los deseos persisten.

La llama de la ilusión arde intensamente.

Y los sueños siguen presentes en mí.

La distancia.
La soledad.
El vacío.

Significa que continuaré acariciando utopías

Significa que besaré esperanzas

No hay imposibles para el corazón

Para amarte siempre.

Thursday, February 25

Sol en Virgo y Luna en Escorpio

Dark Angel GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Como buena Virgo, soy de elemento Tierra, que es el medio que me da vida y me baja a la realidad, aunque tengo una relación muy especial con el mar, imagino que gracias a mi ascendente.
Disfruto de la soledad y estoy fascinada con mis silencios interiores, tanto es así, que necesito continuamente encerrarme en mi misma y aislarme. De todas las características de mi personalidad lo que más me gusta es mi capacidad para relacionarme a través de los sentimientos "todo en mí, es sensibilidad" y eso hace que me vuelva muy vulnerable; porque soy excesivamente meticulosa, analítica, tímida, un tanto ingenua y poco pretenciosa. 
Lo que menos me gusta, es mi poca o ninguna capacidad para perdonar. Perdono, pero no olvido, entonces vivo arrastrando viejas emociones negativas en el corazón "innecesarias" que cada día hacen mi mochila más pesada. Definitivamente soy rencorosa, pero no me siento nada orgullosa de eso. Ademas, mi parte negativa, es que soy lamentablemente introvertida, persistente y enérgicamente impaciente y poco demostrativa. Crítica conmigo misma, como con los demás. Soy insegura, escéptica y algo fría en las cuestiones de amor.
Sin embargo, tengo la mente que vuela y me meto muchísimo en mis pensamientos, me molesta incluso cuando me interrumpen y me sacan de ellos. Tengo una capacidad de concentración muy buena o muy mala, ¿cómo voy a saber? si como consecuencia también soy muy dispersa. Pero lo cierto es que necesito mi silencio, mi espacio, estar sola conmigo misma pensando, podría decir que soy una persona sensible, emocional e imaginativa.
Por otro lado, siempre estoy en la búsqueda del equilibrio, el balance y la armonía; quizás por eso buscando puntos intermedios mi apariencia no refleja para nada mi mundo interior, ando feliz por la vida, pero muy pocas personas conocen mi lado melancólico, ese que muy pocas veces muestro. 

Además soy una amiga difícil de llevar, porque tengo épocas de autismo total, en donde no doy señales de vida. Con mis amigas y la gente que quiero, no tengo limites de ninguna clase, cuando estoy con ellos doy todo lo tengo, sin excepciones, aveces aún mas de lo que puedo dar, pero después que nadie me exija que me acuerde de un cumpleaños, o de llamar cada equis tiempo para preguntar cómo van las cosas, como estoy, como están o para dar el pésame a un pariente, etc, etc... porque en ese sentido y para esas cosas, soy un desastre. 
Aun así, todavía me gusta arreglarme y verme linda. Imagino que soy presumida y coqueta, aunque últimamente ando bastante apática y descuidada en este aspecto. 

Mi adicción por la música, el mate e Internet acompañan constantemente mis latidos. No puedo vivir sin estas tres cosas. Quizás si me obligaran a elegir, podría intentar vivir sin el Mate, pero sin música e internet definitivamente No! Creo que estas tres cosas son vitales para mi y sin ellas me sentiría vacía, desarmada o rota; hasta podría morir.
La escritura siempre fue constante en mi vida. Nunca dejé de escribir, gracias a mi luna en escorpio, que me guía, nutre e inspira a experimentar emociones muy poderosas, lo que me hace una apasionada de sentir intensamente. Muy centrada y enfocada de manera profunda, decidida a disfrutar plenamente de cada momento, mirando al cielo cuando anochece, respirar profundamente satisfecha, sacar muchas fotos, bailar descalza, reírme mucho mucho y jugar... otra cosa que me encanta infinitamente y siempre agradeceré.

Wednesday, February 24

Perpetual Cycle


Is he dangerous?
His world for sure is unsafe.
He is a freaking gorgeous man
standing in front of red lights.

Feel the fear, he told
the deadline is coming closer.
He smile and began to sing.
-Row row row your boat gently down the stream  
Merly merly merly merly Life is not a dream ♫ ♩ ♭.

She started crying.
wished and give a choice.
Choices, choices
more choices!

I feel like I'm still waiting.
Even though it doesn't seem like it.
I am not about waiting anymore, really.
I am not a Fool.

She said to him, stop what you are doing.
Stop it!
It didn't have to be like this.
I shouldn't be here.

This isn't safe.
What kind of person are you actually?
The good person or a bad one.
You know that, right?
What did I ever do to you?

Last chance
You don't even care...
do you?
Did you hear me? I said you don't care!
Say something, are you listening?
Don't feel sorry for me, Ok.

She told him, It is funny when you think about it, indeed.
Didn't we have some fun for all that?
Oh, so yeah. It was fun!
and all the fun is gone.
This is all your fault.
and my fault, mine.
but it is your own fault more than mine.

I just remembered.
I said farewell and you were like forget it, nope!
and then I was all
that was great.

I'm not kidding now
is over
Okay, is over now.
You win!

And he said to her, my love
I know you're there.
I can feel you
You haven't escaped, you know.

So... I won't

And what's wrong with this girl?
she must be insane too
I hate it too
I'm sick. 

(old favorite)
"I like it"
p.s: Holy Tension, Batman! Lol

Tuesday, February 23

I ...Don't Understand...

Isn't it strange?
When you're feeling things.
When emotions arise that you shouldn't be felt?
Ultimately, what do any of us seek but the assurance of belonging?



I thought of this in the shower last night and I hope you like it as much as I did...

Monday, February 22

Find me under a palm tree

My solitude.
Simultaneously unbearable and serene.
I hold, 
embrace, cherish and keep you in my heart
in the ever-expecting...
Hoping for one day you will
come back to my life, and make me complete.



Again just thinking and writing and stuff... I haven't been sleeping well at all so yeah...

Saturday, February 20

Every moment of it

In my life I learned how to love.
Smiling even when sad.
Finding happiness, strength, and working hard.
Being honest, faithful, and forgiving, but I couldn't learn how... to cease... to stop remembering.

Just thinking and writing again...

Friday, February 19

Turn Back Time

Reverse the clock. 
I selfishly want u back 
right now.

Just thinking and reading and stuff...

Thursday, February 18

Still crying

 Yet, I find myself still shedding tears, in other place distant of the world
And there's my tale, unfolds my story, a tale steeped in sorrow and pain.
It's my vast ocean of tears.

And how can it be, someone like you
could make me shed so many tears to create an ocean?
And how can it be, someone like you
could evoke an ocean of tears 
until none remain?

No one else can see through my eyes 
the shades of sadness 
and grief that you've caused
and there's my secret shore.

No one knows it but me.
It's my ocean of tears.

I don't even remember when I wrote this. 
Sure I was crying over various things...
Not sure what but something doesn't sit right with me about this poem :/


Wednesday, February 17

The Eternal Everlasting Garden

Sometimes, we leave our hearts behind us 
because we're tired of feeling the pain.
What we don't realize is that pain is what makes us who we are, 
along with all the good stuff.
Someone wise once said that:
if your heart was born into this world broken, 
there was no way for anybody to ever make you whole again. 
Me, personally
-I believe that being broken means that there's a chance, 
a possibility, and where there's a possibility
then there is hope. 

Written a while ago... well not that long ago but that's okay... sighs*

Tuesday, February 16


Existence is intertwined with the specter of haunting.
"Connected now through the heart and mind."
I've been delaying sharing this for too long. I'm a bit shy and apprehensive about revealing my first thoughts...

Saturday, February 13

Otro silencio mas

Cerró los ojos. 
Recordó como fue el primer momento 
cuando sus ojos se petrificaron y sintió una caricia.
Suspiró y recordó como fue ese momento 
cuando todo empezó y termino en una simple mirada. 

Se alejó contemplando el cielo 
dejó el tiempo atrás, mirando lejos y en silencio, 
como dialogando consigo misma.
La mente confunde y aniquila pensamientos 
nunca son claros y no sabe lo que quiere en realidad 
pero sabe lo que no quiere, de eso sí esta segura.
Al límite, mirando al infinito, 
escucha el viento y entiende su sentir 
adivina sentimientos con solo un gesto, 
viendo el sol sobre su cabeza 
que le sonríe destellando luz. 

Camina pensando en nada, 
pisando la sombra de su silueta dibujada en el piso, 
dejando atrás los sueños que tuvo ayer, 
siempre el pasado como una obsesión, 
buscando algo que después comprendí, 
buscó sentir que ese otoño no apagó la esperanza, 
buscó salida a preguntas sin sonidos, 
gritos mudos y no sabe aún a donde va y por que, 
algo que nunca se pregunto. 

El sentimiento es tan fuerte 
que no hace más que pensar 
en ese momento eterno.
Si pudiera haber sido distinto 
hacer otro camino. 
Simplemente quería saber, 
correr, gritar, olvidarse de todo, 
todo lo que antes quería, 
de todo lo que odiaba y amaba.

Friday, February 12

Quien soy?

  Casi soy, más o menos lo que me hicieron creer que era...

Thursday, February 11

Hello Everyone

I would like to share a little about myself for those who are interested. I live in quilmes, the city of Buenos Aires, it is a very large and touristic city.Currently, I'm a student in Business Administration and almost done with my degree. I'm also doing website support and maintenance, CMS design & HTML web design. Blogging in WordPress and Blogspot. I'm organized, an easy going person. I'm fun to hangout with, as well. I love reading, music and cinema, Art, photography, languages, internet, traveling, the ocean, poetry, eating food and so on... I'm fluent in Spanish and advanced in English. I started submitting my thoughts and pictures to this site as a way to cope with my boredom since right now my life is very monotonous and there's not much happening. So for my pleasure and enjoyment I have started writing and taking photos and posting some of them here. I will be sharing my thoughts here as often as possible and will be using it as a tool to spill out my heart and emotions. Thank you, for stopping by for everyone who has been watching me and whoever is reading this. Be sure to add me as a friend on your way out and hopefully, hear from me again soon, till then see ya, bye!

Sincerely yours,


Sunday, February 7



 I love you so much.
We are perfect together.
I cant live a moment without you
I want to be with you forever.

I'm so glad i found you.
You changed my life
You who made me see many things
In a totally different way.

Love the way you keep on trying
To make everything alright
Love the way you whisper
Sweet words in the dark.

I agree with almost everything you say and do.
That makes me so happy and you know it's true
I know that you are the one for me
Because I'm so in love with you.

No one can ever take your place.
You're everything i need
Please do me a favor
Listen while reading.

When you came into my life
I've never felt so complete.
The day I understood everything
No one else can do what you have done for me.

You give me reasons to stay
You're giving me a millon reasons to smile. 
If you leave me one day
My life wouldn't be worth living.

When I'm sad frustrated or angry 
I don't need to tell, you just know it.
You see right through me
And i can do the same thing as well.

When i look into your eyes
I know we are meant to be together.
There's nothing more perfect in life
Than you and me.

October 20, 2009, at 1:18:28 AM 

Saturday, February 6

In the last hour like always


And none of you can take it away.
I wan't to begin to write. I think. 
I'll just have to see how i like it. 
So i'm testing it.. 