Saturday, August 23





Humilde y sencilla.


AsΓ­ como los caminos de la mente.




Inaccesible y real. 


Y en medio de toda esta quietud 

surge un laberinto de pensamientos

que se separan y se juntan continuamente.  


De inmediato llega al cielo y sus infinitas formas.


La realidad adormecida 

desdibuja la existencia. 

Donde todo termina siendo una hermosa fantasΓ­a.



Friday, August 22


For those who are new to this blog.
This writing is merely a window
into thoughts in only parts of my day.
Where I spill here what I can't spill elsewhere.
Because I thought here was safe.
But I guess it's not.
And let's face,
I'm still feeling out what "this place" is.
Am I happy? Am I sad?
It's not as simple as that.
I suggest going all the way back
to the beginning posts before making judgement.
It's not all doom and gloom stories around here.
I'm just in a rough patch at some point or another.
You can't define a person by a few little sad posts.
Maybe I need to stop being so open
about what I feel in a dark moment.
And screw those of you who can't understand that.


Sighs* just thinking again I seem to be doing that a lot lately....


Friday, August 15

You poor, sad person. I really pity you.


Well done.

You really disappointed me

and at this point.

My interest is entirely gone.



Wrote this not last night but the night before last when I couldn't sleep. It's about certain things that have happened recently... sighs*