Friday, June 20

Palabras de amor

Me es imposible no sonreír. 
La felicidad me invade hoy.
Cuanta paciencia me tuvo.
Que feliz me hizo siempre. 
Sus pequeños detalles en todo
hacen que piense en él constantemente.
Mucho tengo que agradecerle
me devolvió a mi misma
y el sentir que no me falta nada.
Me sostiene y cambia mi manera del ver el mundo.
Soy capaz de resistir lo que sea,
solo si ÉL está junto a mi.
Gracias porque todo, absolutamente todo es tuyo.

Saturday, June 14

To breathe again


Every day is a battle.
There are days when I lose.
Some days I win.
But, each day is another chance to say "I can do this."
Another opportunity to face it.
To not let beat me.
I will fail.
I will falter.
I will stumble and fall.
However, with your support, I will rise again.
I will fight.
Perhaps, one day, just maybe,
someday I won't have to battle anymore.
I'll just simply be ok.
This was written quite a while ago... Sorry I haven't posted anything lately; I've been totally facing a huge giant wall of writer's block and it's driving me insane though I'm being so damn backlogged I have over a hundred poems I could posted, but they make me depressed because I can't think of anything new... Anyway. I was just reflecting, and this came to mind the day after, for the last time.