Thursday, January 12

Please, just leave me the hells alone!

Those who don't love when it's possible, 
Will find it elusive when they want it.
Movin' Up!

Sunday, January 8

I'm still here

Lately, I've been feeling quite upset. 
I don't sleep well. 
I'm so stressed. 
  It frustrates me how easily i become angry for no reason.
I can't eat. 
I've gone for two days without food, simply because I literally can't eat. 
I understand these are common problems, yes.
But I'm just in a bad mood.
And I don't really want to talk about it.

This is more so how I'm feeling lately but... I like the way this one turned out as well expectantly since it was written through tears and sobs and shit...

Saturday, January 7

Sentir... y no poder explicarlo

Fuimos dos siluetas en el horizonte
que tocamos con la yema de los dedos la superficie del mar,
escapamos a perseguir lo eterno
gastando instantes 
sin límites ni pausa
sin fin, sin ir mas allá.

Te deje una sorpresa
un poema
la última respuesta
un recuerdo teñido de azul
salpicado con gotas de lluvia gris.

Te deje un montón de excusas
una mirada
pretextos llenos de creatividad
para quedarme con la imagen de un mañana
que no llegaría.

Te deje lo que fui
lo poco que conociste de mí
te deje mi parte mas triste, la mayor parte
y me lleve cosas tuyas
toda tu historia, gestos y tu forma de escribir
emoción profunda, que me conmovía
algunas anécdotas que imaginé otras que soñé
y varias mas que solo yo sentí.

Te deje lo que no buscabas
y lo que encontraste
motivos incompletos
historias contadas de manera espontánea,
que al día de hoy, el tiempo pasado mimetizó con el resto de la piel.

Te deje las manos vacías
la memoria con algunos recuerdos
y una canción que canté.
Montón de palabras
montones de letras
miles ¡No me dejes!
y un ¡Ya se terminó! 
Es así la vida..

Te deje un agradecimiento tan grande que no alcanzó.
Ningún arrepentimiento
recuerdos que dejaron de ser recuerdos
porque todo eso lo dejé ir.
convirtiéndose en saltos de trampolín
al rincón de mi corazón. 

Truth, no lies just love

Speak the truth.
Do not lie to me 
because you think that you are hurting me telling the truth 
you are hurting me deeper with lies.

Friday, January 6

just a little broken

Why do "it's over" hurt so much? Have any of you ever sat and thought that one through? I mean, do they hurt, everyone knows that much, but has anyone ever asked why?
Because for something that's caused as much anguish as it has, and affected as many people as it has. They hurt like death hurts and  the reason we cry, and rant, and feel so goddamn sorry for ourselves, is the same reason we feel that same such agony when we lose someone: Memories.
Sadly, losing someone will always hurt and it's the memories that hurt the most, at least think of it in a way that you got the chance to experience those moments with that person even though its memories you miss, it's memories you can look back to. That all the memories we have are all the memories we will ever have and that the last time you saw that person, the last time you hugged them, you kissed them, the last time you said you loved them. those are the last times you'll ever have. And you think to yourself of all the things you'd have done differently, and you think of what you'd give to have just one more day with that person. Just one more chance, realize that we will never again get a chance to make new memories with this person.
You always think you'll have tomorrow, to make it all up, to do the right thing, but the truth is that you just never know how much time you've got. So do yourselves a favor and take the only time that is guaranteed to you, right now, and make more memories, make every moment worth while.
Hell, memories is what I think complicates things, yeah, memories are what make it seem to last forever, and when something ends, we can't help but replay things back. You know, like a movie in our heads.
My consolation during these times is that everything happens for a reason and even if its hard to swallow at this time. Truth is. It really does. If it was meant to be it will be, who knows maybe later down the line you will find each other. Or maybe it is not destined for you to be together and there's someone else waiting for you that will be the one you have been looking for all your life and came this far for. Who's to say. All I know when I went through my losing I thought my sun would never rise again. Although, even when we were together my world was dark to begin with. Since I've known him I can't really say that I remember that dark world, sometimes I wonder if there ever was a dark place to begin with, it's been that long since I left that dark place behind me and although at that time I never dreamt of being in the place I am right now. Now I can't ever imagine being in that place I was before. Don't worry, your sun will rise soon, it never fails to.
Well, here's a bit of enlightenment from me to you: Love sure does have a way of breaking you down emotionally, doesn't it? Get through the suffering! Sometimes, I wish I were more superficial. On an emotional level, I mean. I think the idea of not feeling the hurt which I'm feeling, or even maybe just feeling it a little bit less, is just too attractive a concept not to want right now. But then I realize that it's because I am the way that I am, that I've been able to love the way that I have. And even though, right now, it's a curse to feel as deeply as I feel, I know that when things are just right. There's no greater blessing.


Wednesday, January 4

Sunrise in Paris

Parce que ça fait mal, 
on est tenté de choisir on préfère le silence ou le dénie. 
Nous nions la réalité par peur de la souffrance.
Occulter le cœur brisé.
On habille les blessures du masque du mensonge. 
sous la blessure. 
le silence et la dénégation ne sont jamais solution. 
On ne peut couvrir la souffrance par un mensonge.

OUI, je suis blessé; 
OUI je souffre; 
OUI je suis en colère... 
La vérité rend libre.
Tu es responsable du mal que tu m'as fait.

Traduction, grammaire, vocabulaire, cours en ligne, langue et littérature espagnole.

Porque me duele,
uno se siente tentado a elegir el silencio o deniega si se prefiere.
Negamos la realidad por miedo al sufrimiento .
Ocultar el corazón roto .
Las heridas de la máscara se visten de mentiras.
En la herida
el silencio y la negación no son la solución.
No podemos cubrir el dolor con una mentira .

Sí , estoy herida ;
SÍ sufro ;
Sí estoy enojada ...
La verdad nos hace libres .
Usted es responsable por el mal que me has hecho.